Diosivore ’ ~

Character Concept ~

COLLABORTATION PROJECT – Princess Mononoke – ‘PM2255’ ~
Hannya Mask ~

PROJECT ~ Hannya Mask inspired by the movie Princess Mononoke.

DESCRIPTION ~ Inspired by the character San, I sculpted the mask and the model using Blender. The mask is to scale to fit the face and inspired by the Japanese hannya mask, but made futuristic and intricate to showcase the makeup underneath and to our group cyber, video game concept. I painted and coloured the mask and added hair texture to the model. With this I was able to import my mask in to Spark AR and was able to turn it into to a filter on Instagram to advertise the game and to be used to the whole world. This is my first time using these type of digital software's and I self-taught myself from scratch in 1 month.


COLLABORTATION PROJECT ~ Video Game - Futuristic, Cyber World ~

PROJECT ~ Futuristic, Cyber video game world – Character selections screen.

DESCRIPTION ~ I created the digital video game world using Blender. I was able to experiment with the different tools and materials in the software. I also filmed and animated the scenery for the final video. The model along with my piece were scanned using photogrammetry and put in to Mixamo to animate the character.

LOCATION ~ 3D modelled and rendered at home and UAL.

LINK ~ https://1drv.ms/v/s!AuQdY8bQ6ns0jmbRXu7ZRwNc9hqO?e=QwqJuy

DIGITAL CYBER CAT – Stray ~ Tera B.Y.T 3 ~

PROJECT ~ Tera B.Y.T 3.

DESCRIPTION ~ 3D Modelled Cat all on Blender. The cat is so to scale and is modelled off my own cats. This piece showcases the advancement of technology and how far can we take technology till it is deemed unethical and too much. I modelled this cat on blender to be able to be rigged to use in a game and for 3D printing.

SOFTWARES ~ Blender.

VIDEO GAME CONCEPT– Cyber Cat World – Stray ~

PROJECT ~ Video game World for Cyber Kitty.

DESCRIPTION ~ Alongside my physical animatronic cyber cat, I created a video game concept trailer showcasing the digital cat I created in Blender in its environment. I created an alley way full of shops for the cat using the blender pre-modelled buildings, modelled my own buildings and objects to be placed in the space and textured them. I inserted the model into Unreal Engine and played around with lighting and filming. This is a working progress project, as I am currently rigging the cat to be a playable character in this environment, so I can publish this as an official test run to a possible future game. This is my first time using Unreal Engine and I have only been learning for 1 week. This piece shows the journey and what the cyber kitty future entails.

SOFTWARES ~ Blender, Unreal Engine.

LINK ~ https://1drv.ms/v/s!AuQdY8bQ6ns0jmQ64ur_elGXXXr2?e=ASDPU0

‘Monochrome 101’– Digital Handbag~

PROJECT ~ Monochrome 101 – personal project – custom handbag

DESCRIPTION ~ Handbag created using Blender. The handbag was then 3D printed for use.

‘Monochrome 102– Digital Handbag~


3D Work ~